How to keep cosy and save money this winter

Your home

As it gets darker for longer and the temperature drops, no-one wants to wake up to a cold shower or the heating not working. These simple tips will help you look after your boiler, stay cosy and save money.

Boiler tips

Why care for your boiler?

Whether you own your boiler or not, taking care of it will save you money. If you own your home your boiler will be one of the most expensive purchases you’ll make, so you want it to last as long as possible. But it isn’t just about the lifespan of your boiler. Keeping it healthy and working efficiently will help keep you warm and save you money on your bills.

Service your boiler every year

To keep your boiler working at its best, prevent breakdowns, and keep heating bills low, make sure that your boiler is serviced every year. This should be carried out by a Gas Safe engineer who is qualified to check it’s safe, working properly and identify any small issues before they turn into bigger problems.

If you rent a property from us, our gas contractors will write to you 2 months before the service certificate is due to expire. If you are a homeowner or a shared owner, please arrange a Gas Safe engineer to carry out your service.  

Check your boiler’s pressure

It’s worth checking your boiler’s pressure gauge to see if it needs topping up. The pressure gauge is generally at the front of your boiler. You’ll be able to see low and high pressure indicated by red sections on the dial. Ideally, you want to see a reading between 1 and 2 bars. Anything below 1 bar is too low and above 3 bars is too high, and the boiler will need to be re-pressurised. This should be carried out by a Gas Safe engineer.

Bleed your radiators

Over time, air can become trapped in your radiators. This will prevent them from heating up fully and there may be cold patches.  Trapped air in your radiators means they won’t heat your home as effectively, and this will bump up your heating bills – bleeding them is simple. Make sure you get a Gas Safe engineer to bleed them once a year before the weather gets cold.

Check your boiler flame is blue

You should be able to see the flame through a small hole or window in your boiler’s protective casing. Make sure it is a strong blue colour. If the flame is orange or yellow, there could be something wrong with your boiler or gas supply, and you should call a Gas Safe registered engineer as soon as possible.

Leave it to the professionals

Anything more complicated should be left to trained professionals.

If you have any problems with your gas and heating this winter, please see below:

  • If you rent from us, get in touch with us or report it online through My Account
  • If you are a homeowner or a shared owner, please contact your supplier or contractor directly.  

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